Friday, 27 November 2015

Tally.ERP9 Training

Excel Academy 

Excel Training Academy offers you Accounting package courses like manual accouning and Tally.ERP9 and  Advanced excel , Excel with macros

Course Prices: 
  • Tally.ERP9 : 3500
Durations: 4 Weeks
class Room Training
  • Advanced Excel 2007-13
Price: 4500
Durations: 3 weeks
  • Excel with Macros
Price: 6000
Durations:3-4 weeks

Training Methods: Offline, Online& corporate Training
Mail To:
mobile: 8121624396
Contact person: PY Rao

Thursday, 26 November 2015


*       Introduction
*       Basic Calculations
*       Microsoft Office Button
*       Using worksheets effectively
*       Formatting text and numbers
*       Saving Excel 2007 files
*       Saving an Excel file as a PDF file
*       Inbuilt Functions
*       Sort Function
*       More on sort data
*       Formatting data as tables
*       Absolute and relative cell reference
*       Page layout and print preview
*       Priting: display gridlines
*       Condtional Formatting
*       Charts
*       Text to columns
*       Autofilter

*       Library functions use
*       Circular Reference
*       Turn on/off Autocomplete
*       How to avoid auto hyperlinks
*       Fill data across worksheets
*       How to use comments
*       How to remove duplicates
*       Template based workbook
*       Themes and smartart diagrams
*       ‘IF’ function
*       Countif
*       Nested functions
*       Advanced filter
*       Named ranges
*       Subtotals
*       In-Cell Graphs
*       Formatting in-cell graphs
*       Data validation
*       Custom Data Validation
*       Pivot Tables,
 *       Using slicer Pivot table
*       Using Slicer Graph Charts
*       Vlookup/Hlookup
*       Goal Seek
*       Get external data - text files
*       Import data from databases
*       Import data from an Excel file
*       Array Formulas
*       Calculations in Word
*       Data tables and sensitivity analysis
*       Printing: Repeat specific rows
*       Excel Help - Vlookup
*       Step by step Excel macros...
*       How to use comments
*       Convert function
*       Factorials
*       Using 3-D references
*       Consolidate data
*       SUMIFS
*       RANK function
*       Named ranges use
*       Advanced filter - unique records
*       Highlighting duplicates
*       Database functions
*       DSUM
*       DAVERAGE
*       Vlookup and calculations
*       Data Analysis and Vlookup
*       Vlookup using lists
*       Data Analysis and Hlookup
*       Left Lookups: Overcome limitations of Vlookup
*       Lookup functions - nested functions
*       Convert numerical text data into numbers
*       Work with Excel data containing blank rows
*       Lookup function
*       Highlight blank cells
*       Compound interest calculations using user form
*       How to copy a Word table into Excel
*       Insert a watermark
*       How to draw in Excel
*       CHOOSE function
*       SUBSTITUTE function
*       Data Analysis and MATCH function
*       Max, Match, Vlookup and LARGE functions
*        analysis using Goalseek
*       How to avoid duplicate entries
*       Data validation, Named Ranges, Indirect Function
*       Trim function
*       Text functions
*       Link an Excel worksheet to Word
*       Keyboard shortcuts
*       Keyboard & MS-Office Ribbon
*       Manage Inventory
*       Accessing data from another workbook
*       Sumif&S - multiple criteria
*       Average if &S
*       Countif &s
*       “D”sum ,average,min,max,count
*       Sum product
*       Iferror
*       Istext with using Vlookup
*       Data entry only into specific cells
*       Ensure all data entries
*       MS-Access Table using MS-Excel data
*       Delete empty rows
*       Open a user form using a command button
*       Depreciation using the straight line method
*       Consolidate data from Excel worksheets
*       Checkbox form control
*       Dynamic ranges
*       Find latest sales data
*       Datedif Function
*       Simulations using Random Function
*       Excel and mail merge in MS-Word
*       Export data from Outlook to Excel
*       Track changes
*       Interest calculations
*       Extracting numbers from alphanumeric text
*       Recover excel graph data from powerpoint slide
*       Financial statements
*       Data tables and sensitivity analysis
*       countif - multiple criteria
*       How to improve readabilty of your Excel data
*       Track updates
*       How to enter fractions
*       Excel tips for beginners and advanced users